Monday, November 21, 2011

veryveryveryVERY rough sketch screen shot (don't judge my art skills)

I want the stick person to be a actual person. and once again, I suck at drawing and this looks like a kindergarteners drawing. (mybad)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

bored story....story board

I am a terrible drawer... so here's my attempt at drawing a girl w/ a dying forest... then a blooming forest and she is suppose to look prettier... (i think i may use actual people in the commercial)

please don't be frightened by my drawings... actually i was frightened so its okay. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Commercial Ideassssssssssssssssss ssss ssss sssssss sss (sss)

1. A cartoon of a tree growing and the Earth all green and healthy. Basically, showing a tree growing (sped up) then a further view of the Earth looking how it should (green and blue) with a catchy slogan like "help the earth become beautiful just like you, be down2earth."

2. A girl will be applying regular make up on in a darker lit forest, then another girl will put down2earth make up on, and everything will bloom, animals will come out, and tree's will smile. (cartoon)

3. "Forget those ingredients that you can't pronounce. Treat your body with something natural." A girl taking a blush brush dabbing it on a flower and putting it on her face to symbolize that the makeup is made from the earth.

4. 2 women - 1. using a regular brand of makeup that is not ecofriendly or organic and her makeup and hair will look terrible... the other woman will be using down2earth and she will look fresh and natural.

5. "be apart of nature without going into the woods, use down2earth." show a girl using down2earth and feeling like she is in nature?

i don't know. i'm really not creative at all. so any ideas would be much appreciated. thanks.


Old Spice
 This commercial is hilarious and is selling men's body wash. It shows how fabulous a woman's life could be with a man that smells like Old's Spice. It shows women what their men could look like and smell like, aka hot! I believe the commercial is definitely effective because it's such a unique, humorous storyline. It's targeted at men in their teens - 50s and its targeted at their significant others that want them to smell good and look good.

These commercials are hilarious and definitely eye catching. A talking baby with an adult's voice, who wouldn't love it! The tone is obviously humorous and light. It makes some thing serious such as investing and makes it funny and appealing. I definitely looked into more commercials about E-trade after seeing this one.  If I bought stock or did investments I would definitely do it with E-trade because of these commercials, therefore I think they are successful.

Sienna Swagger Wagon
This commercial is selling a family van, the Sienna SE. It targets families, specifically pre-teens/ teens since they are more familiar with rap. Its tone is extremely funny. I believe this commercial is successful and makes you consider buying a van if that's what you need for your family because it provides many examples of what it does. The commercial solves the problems that parents deal with with their children.

Geico Gecko
The Geico gecko commercials are always funny. I don't feel like I should get their insurance. The tone is happy and interesting. The visual style is animated with live action of people. The target audience is people who can drive.

Kia Soul Hamster
This commercial is selling a car, the Kia Soul. Their target audience is all ages up to the elderly. The tone is happy and fun. The visual style of film is animated hence the dancing hamsters and robots. I don't think the commercial is successful, but it is appealing. It catches my attention but I do not feel more obligated to buy a Kia Soul after watching it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

whisper words of wisdom.. Let It Be.

Just felt like posting this to have all my projects on here... (don't think we had to post it)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I decided to just use the logo in the header w/ a simple design w/ green in it because the company is about going green. I made it sort of like a press release because I think the header/footer format for those look good. I provided the information that I have on the business card w/ the addition of the website on the bottom of the page. Like all my other projects, I wanted to make this as simple as possible, while still capturing the customers attention. Business letters do not need to be gaudy with a lot of design because they are strictly for getting out important information about the company, therefore I think this design works.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The finale.... business card.

I decided to make my business card as simple as possible. My idea was to get my information out there and a description of the company without providing too much information or distraction in the design. The peace sign is part of the company's logo which is why I added it on the back with my information. I decided to fill in the peace sign with green to add color to the business card and because the company is about "going green." I used Georgia font for my information because its easy to read and I see it as a friendly font. I made it size 14 so that it stood out more and was readable for most eyes. That's pretty much it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011


1) What is your business?
Down2earth makes make-up and hair products.
2) Describe your business in one sentence
Down2earth makes affordable organic, eco-friendly make-up and hair products.
3) Who is your target audience?
      Women aging from 16 to 40 years old. Women who like to help the environment. Women who are into using natural (organic) items. Young adult men may buy the hair products, as well.
4) Who are your competitors?
Ex: Bare Essentials, CoverGirl, Pür, Physicians Formula,
5) What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
Bare Essentials is a pretty pricey cosmetic line, CoverGirl only has a limited organic line, Physicians Formula also has a limited organic line, and all of these companies do not have hair product lines. CoverGirl pretty much targets all ages, whereas the other ones target the same group as down2earth.
8) How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
As a cosmetic/ hair product line that is healthy for people’s skin/hair and doesn’t harm the environment.
9) If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and why?
A dove because they represent peace and harmony, and that is ultimately what it takes to be “down2earth.”

10) If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
Olivia Wilde because she is a young, popular actress who is eco-friendly and is involved in activism. Jessica Alba could also be considered too, to target young mothers.
11) If your company/brand was an object, what would it be?
      A tree because its natural and benefits the earth.
12) If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
Pocahontas, because she is naturally beautiful and very earthy. She loves nature and preserving it, which is what the company strives for.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Collage.. I think?

The tools I used to make this "collage" are eraser, pen tool, text tool, paint tool for shading, and lasso. I used shading a lot to try and make the colors of each picture blend in as much as possible. Honestly, I don't think I did this right.. but its a bunch of pictures making one picture.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


First off, this photo is a picture I took in photo class and I developed and printed it myself. When making this picture, I used the pen tool to outline the major parts of the picture such as the body,hat, scarf, and Skyy bottle. I used the paint brush with different strokes to fill in all of the color and to make the cheetah spots on the scarf. I used the line tool to make the plaid stripes on the hat and filled them in with the paint brush. I used the eye dropper tool to pick out the shades of color I used in the different parts of the picture. I did everything by hand aside from the pen tool. I did not use the shading tool, I did it all on my own. Oh, also I used the text tool for the "Skyy Citrus" label.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

rough draft sketch/ final logo

Rough Draft:

Final Logo:

I chose to keep my logo simple with just text and a peace sign because it is for organic, eco-friendly cosmetics and hair products. Due to the fact that this "company" is all about helping the environment (saving resources), they do not need a complex logo with a lot of detail. Also, when I buy cosmetic/hair products, most of the companies have simple logos with just the name of the company such as CoverGirl, Revlon, MAC, Studio Gear, etc. They do not focus their brand on the logos, but more so how well the product is and advertisements. Therefore, this logo provides the name in a simple, friendly font with a peace sign which typically symbolizes peace on earth or tree-huggers.